Details and Sources of Energy Trivia!
Wind Questions
Which country has the tallest wind turbine?
Denmark, has recent installed a new Vestas model wind turbine. It is reportedly the tallest in the world.
The power generator stands 280 metres tall above the fields at the Østerild Test Center for large wind turbines in Western Jutland. This height makes it a giant in a world of giants,, it is almost as tall as the Eiffel Tower in Paris, which reaches 330 metres with its spire.
Which province has Canada’s largest wind farm in terms of size?
British Columbia
Canada’s largest wind farm, Black Spring Ridge, located in Vulcan County, Alberta, is made up of 166 wind turbines.
Ontario produces the most wind power, how many comercial wind turbines are roughly in the province?
With 2,663 turbines, or about 40 per cent of the country’s total, Ontario has the most overall.
What is the theoretical maximum efficiency for a wind turbine, converting kinetic power into electricity?
The Betz limit is the theoretical maximum efficiency for a wind turbine, conjectured by German physicist Albert Betz in 1919. Betz concluded that this value is 59.3%, meaning that at most only 59.3% of the kinetic energy from wind can be used to spin the turbine and generate electricity. https://energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Betz_limit#:~:text=The%20Betz%20limit%20is%20the,the%20turbine%20and%20generate%20electricity.
Wind power makes up what percent of the global electricity production?
Wind accounts for just 5% to 6% of global electricity production. But wind generation has been growing rapidly in many countries across the world in recent years. https://ourworldindata.org/electricity-mix#:~:text=Wind%20accounts%20for%20just%205,the%20world%20in%20recent%20years.
Solar Questions
Where is Canada’s largest solar farm being built?
British Columbia
The Travers Solar project is the biggest solar energy project ever built in Canada, being built by Greengate Power. It will cover an area larger than 1600 football fields (around 3300 acres!) in Vulcan Country, Alberta. The project will produce enough electricity to power 150,000 homes and create many jobs and investments in the area. Southern Alberta and Saskatchewan are known as Canada’s sunbelt with 320 sunny days a year, making it an efficient area to build solar farms in Canada. The solar panels are double sided or bi-facial so that when the sun reflects of the snow in the winter, the panels still capture the energy.
What is the most common material used in photovoltaic cells?
Silicon is the most common semiconductor material used in solar cells, and is the second most abundant material on Earth (after oxygen). The silicon atoms within the cells connected to one another and form a crystal lattice which creates an organized structure that converts light into electricity efficiently. Using silicon provides a combination of high efficiency, low cost and a long lifetime.
How long do solar panels last on average in Canada?
5-10 years
15-20 years
25-30 years
35-40 years
Most manufacturers report that a solar panels’ lifespan is at least 25 years, if not longer when well maintained. On average, most solar panels lose about 0.5% of their efficiency each year, meaning that after 25 years a solar panel would still provide 87.5% of its original output. Solar panels can also be easily replaced with new, more efficient modules at a low cost.
When was the first commercial solar panel created?
In 1881, Charles Fritts created the first solid state photovoltaic cell, it was made of selenium and coated with a thin layer of gold. At the time it was only around 1% efficient, but was still a huge discovery as it expedited the commercialization of solar panels. The first solar array was installed on a New York City rooftop using Fritt’s cells.
What is one of the main challenges of solar energy?
There is a limited supply of solar resource
High maintenance costs
There are not enough applications
Storing solar energy is difficult
Solar energy has to be used right away or has to be stored in large batteries. Storing the energy in these batteries is very expensive and a difficult process, technology is advancing where some batteries can store solar energy in bulk for up to 10 hours.
Solar energy is available all around the world and during the day, there is an abundance of it. The maintenance costs of solar panels are relatively low as there are no moving parts so there is no wear and tear. Solar energy has many applications, it can be used for electricity (photovoltaics) or heat (solar thermal).
Nuclear Questions
Despite the lower LCOE, and greater safety, of other renewable sources like wind and solar, many global policy makers believe we need to be harnessing all low carbon generation solutions in order to move off carbon intensive generation like coal and gas. This means a future energy mix with a low carbon nuclear generation alongside gas and renewables to help deliver a secure low-carbon energy system at an affordable price, with the flexibility to incorporate future technologies. Food for thought!
Nuclear splits uranium atoms through a process called:
In a nuclear reactor vessel, a tough steel capsule, neutrons are fired at the uranium atoms, causing them to split and release more neutrons. These then hit other atoms, causing more splits, and so the chain reaction continues. It’s this chain reaction that generates the huge amount of heat needed for creating steam and producing electricity using a generator.
Compared to coal, how much more energy does a uranium produce by unit weight?
Uranium has the advantage of being a highly concentrated source of energy which is easily and cheaply transportable. The quantities needed are very much less than for coal or oil. One kilogram of natural uranium will yield about 20,000 times as much energy as the same amount of coal. It is therefore intrinsically a very portable and tradeable commodity.
What happens to nuclear waste?
Direct disposal
Wet storage (storage in water)
Dry storage (storage on land)
Despite concerns, since nuclear is so energy dense, little waste is generated. The generation of electricity from a typical 1,000-megawatt nuclear power station, which would supply the needs of more than a million people, produces only three cubic metres of vitrified high-level waste per year, and only 3% of that is high-level waste.
Even given that, nuclear waste from the power industry has never caused harm to humans. Even a leak would be at such minimal levels compared to background that it is very unlikely to cause adverse effects.
As of Sunday, April 16 2023, which country stopped producing any electricity from nuclear power plants?
Germany has long been a significant producer of electricity from nuclear plants. This decision was planned for early 2022, but Germany decided to keep some existing nuclear reactors operating for additional months to bolster supplies given the Ukraine war constraining access to energy especially in Europe. This decision has received criticism from many climate change scientists, and politicians, begging for the extra low-carbon capacity, where Europe may now need to go back to depending on much more carbon intensive sources.
However, Germany says it is focused on building out its wind and solar energy production. By 2030, Germany aims to generate 80 percent of its electricity from renewable energy sources like wind and solar. Decision makers also believe this makes Germany safer and avoids additional high-level radioactive waste. According to Niklas Höhne, a professor of the mitigation of greenhouse gasses at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, “Nuclear power plants are a hindrance to the energy transition. They are not able to run in stop-and-go mode and cannot really compensate for power fluctuations that arise when using solar and wind energy. With Germany looking to expand solar and wind power very rapidly over the next few years, now is a good time to shut down nuclear reactors to make way for renewable energy,” he said.
True or False? Nuclear is a better investment decision that solar and wind.
Estimated LCOE for new nuclear plants built in the near future are about two times higher than estimates for solar, wind, and combined cycle natural gas plants.
Despite the lower LCOE, and greater safety, of other renewable sources like wind and solar, many global policy makers believe we need to be harnessing all low carbon generation solutions in order to move off carbon intensive generation like coal and gas. This means a future energy mix with a low carbon nuclear generation alongside gas and renewables to help deliver a secure low-carbon energy system at an affordable price, with the flexibility to incorporate future technologies. Come back next meeting for a discussion on the pros and cons of nuclear energy!
Hydro Questions
Canada is one of the world’s leading countries in using clean, renewable energy. Approximately 65% of the total electricity generation in 2019 was sourced from hydro, wind, solar, and other sources such as biomass, geothermal and marine/tidal wave energy. How much of Canada’s renewable energy is sourced from hydro power?
Hydro power is historically Canada’s main source of energy, providing around 60% of the total electricity in Canada representing around 92% of the renewable energy generated. Only 20% of Canada’s energy is produced using fossil fuels. Quebec has 98% of electricity generation from hydro power, while British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island and Yukon systems rely on between 89% to 95% hydro.
Hydropower is one of the cleanest forms of energy available to us, even when compared to other renewable sources it has one of the lowest carbon footprints. Over the past 50 years the world has shifted away from fossil fuels to more renewable sources of energy, because of this carbon emissions are lower than they would be without the switch. How much carbon pollution has been saved by hydropower over the last 50 years.
40 million tons
75 billion tons
200 million tons
100 billion tons
Independant research suggests that the use of hydropower instead of fossil fuels has helped avoid over 100 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions. That number represents the yearly carbon footprint of the United States of America for 20 years!!!!!!!
According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the world’s existing hydropower capacity will need to grow by around 60 per cent by 2050 to reach 2,150 GW to help limit the rise in global temperature to well below two degrees Celsius.The IEA has reported that 1,300 GW of additional hydropower capacity is required in order to keep temperature rises to within a 1.5 degree target. Such an increase would require a number of skilled laborors to build and maintain this infrastructure. How many jobs would be created in addition to reaching this goal?
Such growth would help generate some 600,000 skilled jobs over the coming decade and would require an estimated investment of US$1.7 trillion.
Hydro power is the most efficient source of electricity generation. Fossil fuels at their best can convert around 60% of the available energy to electricity. Knowing this how efficient is hydro power?
Converting over 90% of available energy into electricity, hydropower is the most efficient source of electrical energy. https://natural-resources.canada.ca/sites/nrcan/files/energy/energy-resources/5_things_you_need_to_know_about_hydropower.pdf
Water power is one of the oldest sources of energy in the world. In fact, people in ancient greece would use hydropower to grind flower nearly 2000 years ago! Hydropower as an electricity source is a little younger but still has been around for a while, when was the first hydro power plant built and operational in Canada?
Indeed, in 1885, a first hydropower generating station became operational near Montmorency Falls to provide lighting to the city of Québec. Three years later, a hydropower generating station was built in Sherbrooke.
Random/Other Energy
How Can Hydrogen gas be produced? (https://www.energy.gov/eere/fuelcells/hydrogen-production-processes)
Thermochemical Processes
Steam Methane reforming
All of the above
Although hydrogen is the most abundant element on earth, it rarely exists in its pure gas form. To be able to harness the energy from hydrogen gas, various processes are required to produce it into a pure gas.
In what applications can hydrogen fuel cells be used? (https://www.energy.gov/eere/articles/5-fast-facts-about-hydrogen-and-fuel-cells)
Stationary power
A & C
Fuel cells are suitable for and can power a broad range of applications. Including buildings, cars, trucks, marine vessels, and forklifts.
Hydrogen fuel cell EVs produce no pollutants (https://www.energy.gov/eere/articles/5-fast-facts-about-hydrogen-and-fuel-cells)
Unlike combustion engines, hydrogen fuel cells produce no pollutants. The byproducts are only air and water.
What type of vehicle is more efficient? (https://www.energy.gov/eere/articles/5-fast-facts-about-hydrogen-and-fuel-cells)
Internal combustion engine
Hydrogen fuel cell
Fuel cell vehicles such as the Toyota mirai can go up to over 500 km on one tank of hydrogen. Fuel cells are also much more efficient than a combustion engine so it can travel much further on a full tank than a traditional car.
What are some challenges with fuel cells (put this before question 3 & 4) (https://techetch.com/blog/advantages-and-disadvantages-to-fuel-cells/)
All of the above
One of the biggest challenges preventing the adoption of this technology is the cost. The cost of producing pure hydrogen, transport and storage of hydrogen, initially developing infrastructure to make hydrogen energy accessible (and thus more widespread and reducing cost over time), and the price of some raw resources to manufacture the fuel cells all are issues in the industry at the moment.